Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) refers to interacting with third-party vendors that provide goods, materials, and services to the organization. It is easy to choose a supplier that is cost-effective and easy to work with, but maintaining that relationship is really difficult.
In the past few years, technology has improved due to which the supplier management has also gone through a major transition over a global scale. No matter what the company deals in, losing a good supplier might be a big loss to the company. It has been well proved that enjoy a relationship with a trusting supplier has many benefits. Therefore, in this article, we will explain how your business can create an excellent rapport with your suppliers and hence achieve a great supplier relationship management.
Supplier is just not a Vendor: Suppliers are your partners and this relationship should not be based only on financial transactions. It depends on mutual trust and loyalty. Make your suppliers feel that they are an important part of your business. Discuss them about your processes, products, and promotions. Also, listen to their concerns and try to understand them.
Analyze the Problems: Understand the root of the problem and do not assume and believe in unspoken rules. Miscommunication can increase friction and affect the relationship negatively. So, arrange supplier meetings and one on one interaction frequently that may fill the loopholes.
Acknowledge Mistakes: If there is any variable factor that has affected the strength of the relationship between business and supplier, immediately repair trust. In such cases, it is better to put in unparalleled efforts to refurbish the relations. Thus, acknowledge your faults and accept your follies.
Be Futuristic: It is essential to gain the trust of suppliers. If the supplier feels some genuine prospects with the partnership, they will commit. Buyers must also commit and put serious resources in action.
Transparency is Necessary: At last, the company must build a credible partnership with suppliers. There should be transparency between them to make a clear set of metrics.
A strong relationship will help you navigate disagreements and issues. A great supplier relationship offers a lot of benefits, and if you take the time to get to know your suppliers, your organization would run smoothly.